Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Speaking of cupcakes...

So lately I've been doing this thing where I do multiple versions of the same idea.  It's actually kind of fun, and it relieves the pressure of doing things perfect the first time around... so I like it, heh.

These are posted in the order that I made them.... and I rather prefer the way it came out the second time around.  It's a little more time consuming, but I'm kinda like this multiple versions things.  :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The time has come to talk of many things, of shoes, and ships, and sealing wax, of undersea monkeys and glittery things.

Oh boy… this post is long overdue.  Life has been a bit… overwhelming as of late.  But so it goes… and, at long last, another update!  And it's more birthday presents (really, really late ones…) this time, for my littlest sister (she's 6 now).  I like to call her a Sea Monkey.  I'm not quite sure where that one came from, but then again, I'm not quite sure where most of the things that pop into my head come from.

Anyway, I fashioned a brand new monster in her honor: ZeeZee the Sea Monkey Monster (it kind of has a ring to it… right? right???).  She is the princess of alllll the Sea Monkey Monsters (there are quite a few of them, if you didn't know).

I also decided to use this as a reason to embark on one of my many new adventures: learning how to sew felt plushies.  Overall, I think she came out pretty successfully.  My seams definitely need some work, but I'm attempting to transfer my loose, slightly messy line work into my sewing… I'll get there eventually.

And one last thing… another new monster is in the works!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

This monster is super awesome.

Hello! Meet Tristan. All you really need to know about him is that he is super awesome.

(Also, he was drawn on an iPad using an app called Brushes).

Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2!

This drawing pretty much sums up my night last night... seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 at midnight.  (By the way, this was the first time, despite all my efforts, that I've gotten to see a Harry Potter movie at midnight on the release date... I'm kinda stoked).  Also, thanks goes to my dear roomie, Jess, who made the evening a fun little adventure (Jess is to the left, I am to the right).  <3

Monday, July 11, 2011

Have I mentioned that Instagram is kinda fun?

Cause it is.

Octo-monster in-progress sculpture!

So I started sculpting a little octo-monster today out of Sculpy... its got a little ways to go before I'll say its good to go though.  Also, I've just discovered that Instagram is kinda cool.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I really like making my friends things for their birthdays (well... also, just in general...), instead of just buying them something, because I feel like its more personal and hopefully it means something a little more to them (did I mention hopefully?).  Anyway, here are some of my more recent birthday creations...

A TigerKittyMonster (that's right, its a plushie!) for my dear roomie, Jess:

And a FancyMonster for Terran (who recently had a very fancy wine, cheese, and chocolate party in celebration!):

Friday, July 8, 2011

While I'm at it...

Here's the monster card I made for my dad this past Father's Day.  Uninteresting fact: this photo was taken with my iPhone waiting outside an airplane terminal.

Stage designs and things.

So, the past few weeks of my life have been absolutely non-stop... things are finally slowing down though and I can actually pause to breath and catch up on things.

The play was a few weeks ago, and it was really well put together.  My feelings on how the set turned out, though, can more or less be summed up with one word... "meh".  I would like to defend my dignity though by whining that I only had a small amount of time and very limited materials to work with...

...And yes, that is the Tokyo clock on the floor there.  Whoops.

Monday, June 6, 2011


So my dear friend and roommate, whose name also happens to be Jess (her parents named her well, I must say), recently ran a 5K and was the first girl to cross the finish line (I am so proud of my roomie!).  Annnd because of this... I made her a monster :)

Set Designs!

So I was recently asked to help design the set for an upcoming performance at our local theatre (I like spelling it "theatre" as opposed to "theater" so much better because it makes more sense in my head... also, it just feels so much more proper). The set is a Greek hotel and the show will showcase all the local dance classes/groups with a storyline to thread all the dance performances together.  Here are my sketches!

The last sketch (the one on the bottom) is the design that was chosen.  It's certainly going to take some work but I'm excited to see how this whole things turns out.  I've never taken on a project of this sort which means that I'm excited to be working on it.  The show opens up in two-ish weeks, so it's going to be go-go-go...  Anyway!  The stage so far:

As you can see, it still has quite a ways to go :)  (The photo was taken with my phone, so its not the best...).

Monday, May 30, 2011

If I had a Unicorn...

If I had a Unicorn, I'd imagine that this is more or less how things would be. Also, Unicorn riders are more or less required to have super fancy dresses and crowns and other pretty things... thus the poofy dress and such. Random fact: I almost always have pink hair in my imagination. One day I'll make this a reality.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


So I recently bought myself a stylus for the iPad. This is me breaking it in and realizing how awesome an iPad equipped with FTP abilities is... :D  I think I've gots a ways to go before I'm used to it, but so it goes.

Also, more pokemon. It's probably because I play Pokemon White before bed and therefore fall asleep missing the old school pokemon...  Also, I got distracted before I got around to finishing this... :)

Monday, May 16, 2011


I've been wanting to do a Pokemon painting for a while now... but this is pretty much as far as I've gotten XD  <3 Dragonite/Dragonair/Dratini <3  I'll come back and finish this one one of these days...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Random Whale

Gouache is such a strange word. Anyway, I was just trying to play around with mixing watercolor and gouache. Yay for random whales!

My Antlers Are Never Quite Right...

Don't you hate it when that happens?

Friday, April 15, 2011

I submitted this design for the Threadless Sunrise t-shirt design challenge. It didn't make it, obviously, but I'm still pleased with how this design turned out overall. :)